My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

APlaneTruth2 - All Presidents Related by Negative Bloodlines - Fascinating Look at What We Think Are Elected Presidents

Update: Sadly, Youtube has permanently Deleted APlaneTruth2 for speaking that which was NOT in alignment with the...

APlaneTruth2 - The Beyond Evil Agenda Behind New & Pre-Born Baby Vaccines - This is Actually Underway!

Update: Sadly, Youtube has permanently Deleted APlaneTruth2 for speaking that which was NOT in alignment with the...

TruthCenter - THE MAGICAL ORIGINS OF RELIGION - Interesting Mushroom Info

This is a fascinating look at what may very well be the true foundations of Religion - so much of our true history...

Aplanetruth2 - So You Think You Have Not Been Programmed Since Birth? Think Again!

The early stages of programming - what tactics might they be using now? How effective has every stage of programming...

Aplanetruth2 - BioWeaponized Weather on Steroids Worldwide Today - Seriously Scary

Holy cow! This has to be one of the scariest reveals I've ever heard - one moment while I run out side, arms...

David Icke - Interview about the AI End Game - Spooky But Evidently True - Interesting

David Icke always seems to have his thumb on the pulse of elite agenda and while I think it is accurate, I also...

The Least Sexy Hard Rock Band in History - I Am Reminded - Never to Old to Belt it Out

I just had to post this - maybe not your kind of music but I simply had to admire an older Jananese guy riffing and...

Paradise Fire - Insight in 5 parts - Evidence Shows NOT Natural - Military DEW - 2019 Summer What Will Happen

2018 - 1,724 Fires, mostly in California - countless unnatural oddities in Paradise and other fires - many very...

Aplanetruth2 - 5G and the Transhumanist Agenda - 5G is NOT just the Next Cell Signal Step!

Update: Sadly, Youtube has permanently Deleted APlaneTruth2 for speaking that which was NOT in alignment with the...

Max Igan - The illusion of Freedom Will ONLY Continue for as Long as it's Profitable to Continue the illusion...

Max reports on what is being rolled out in Australia and what WILL be rolled out everywhere including HERE in the...

Aplanetruth2 - Requiem for Paradise Lost ~ DEWFire Season Begins Anew - UnNatural Fire

Update: Sadly, Youtube has permanently Deleted APlaneTruth2 for speaking that which was NOT in alignment with the...

10yr old Taj Farrant - Stunning Guitar Work from Child Prodigy - Quite Amazing!

I've heard of and seem some pretty amaazing young people but this kid plays like a one of the recently passed Rock...

Gary Lite - English Words Are Spells - Be Mindful of What You Say

I've posted before on this but thought it appropriate to post this older version which dwells nicely on the this...

TED Talks - Wireless wake-up call with Jeromy Johnson

Finally, the severe issues going mainstream public around wireless, cell wireless, Smart Meters, in home wireless,...

APlaneTruth - California May Have Been an Island Prior to the Supposed Mud Flood

This is a fascinating reveal that has been ongoing now for about a year - more and more people have been submitting...

Observation Deck - HISTORYGATE - Proof of Made Up History & Chronology

We've been seeing lately so much in the way of alternate information to what is accepted and taught science, history...

Dani Pedrosa - The Silent Samurai - Documentary

Fascinating look at a very sensitive champion and his elegant, simple, spiritual philosophy in the face of so many...

WeAreChange - Facebook Purging Free Speech - Purging Anything Outside the Running Narrative

This started sometime ago and is simply ramping up where the Major voices, mostly Right swinging, Not in alignment...

Barnabas Nagy - 440Hz Toxic Music vs 432Hz Healing Music - More on This Subject

I have indeed posted on this subject a number of times but Barnabas has come up with more worthwhile information...

Max Igan - Censorship - The First Action of a Criminal Government

Censorship is just barely underway with the removal of so many expressions that are NOT in alignment with the...