My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

ScottiesTech.Info - Does the Q-Link Actually Work? Hmm, Maybe I Should Take Another Look at This Tech!

I tested this tech a number of years ago and could not really tell a difference and eventually thought "this is just...

ScottiesTech.Info - FCC + FDA on 5G - Its Fine, No Worries - Seriously?!

Yet again our GovernMental leaders strike again with pertinent, reliable information! NOT!

Corbett Report - Something Big Has Happened! Oh Maybe Not - Silly Trumpster & Mass Media, Tricks are for Kids

As usual our Fake GovernMental Leaders and Mass Media NEVER tell the truth about anything and lately, neither is...

Atlantean Gardens - Saturn and the Black Sun - Fascinating Origins of American Holidays and More...

I have always wondered why I have such a strong reaction to the holiday season, wanting to just sequester away...

Jellybean Gen - What is really happening in Sweden, Using a Child as an Agenda Front - Greta Thunberg?

It is amazing to me that another young person has to come out and call Greta Thunberg what she/he is - a unasalable...

David Icke - 5G & The Climate Change Death Cult - So Many Misled Overly Vocal People...

Deadly 5G cell services and phones - CO2, the gas of Life - Excuse to exert MUCH greater control over all...

Max Igan - The Australian & World Govt Initiative to Increase Crime, Poverty and Homelessness

...are we allowing our selves to become completely dependent on a system that puts economics ABOVE the needs of the...

ROBERT SEPEHR - Gold of the Gods, Alchemy, and Monatomic ORMUS - Interesting!

Fascinating look at Ancient Egyptian use of monoatomic Heavy Metals...

Corbett Report - Government Nutrition Advice - Sheer, Pathetic Garbage and Part of Agenda 21

I remember the "4 Food Groups" which also was Very unhealthy but now we have "MyPlate" - seriously - here James...

Chris Titus Tech - Truth about Microsoft's Windows 10 - ZERO Care or Concern about Their Users

Like Chris, I've been doing IT for a long time, 37 years now and am always surprised when big corps show clear signs...

Shaun Attwood - Epstein's Black Book - So Many Famous Paedophiles

Trump, Clinton + thousands more... Doesn't look good just the fact on these being on the list... with a little...

David Icke - The Trump Impeachment Scam

Again Davis Icke talks through the fake Political / Presidential / Mass Media crime syndicate we all now live under...

David Icke - How The Sabbatian-Frankist Death Cult Runs The World - interesting Perspective

As always, David Icke aces it - what really caught my attention was where he confirmed what much of the IT Managers...

Epstein’s Child Sex Procurer Of 12-year-old Triplets: Jean Luc Brunel

My goodness but Epstein really made Bad Guys look like good guys by comparison - this guy really was a sick f__k......

Atlantean Gardens - Jeffery Epstein an Occult Perspective - Interesting info

Epstein was truly a stunningly evil individual having Pimped out thousands and thousands of children to the...

Truthstream Media - Human-Computer Interface - This Will NOT Make You a Super Hero or Gawd

...what if all the effort being put into stripping humanity of it's Sexuality and Mind/Mental Depth isn't for this...

APlaneTruth2 - VAXXED - Healthy Triplets All Autistic within Hours of Vaccination

Update: Sadly, Youtube has permanently Deleted APlaneTruth2 for speaking that which was NOT in alignment with the...

APlaneTruth2 - Mutilation of Women Legal and Happening in the US and Not Just in Muslim Families

Update: Sadly, Youtube has permanently Deleted APlaneTruth2 for speaking that which was NOT in alignment with the...

Barnabas Nagy - EMF Health Dangers: Tech Devices & Frequencies Designed To Kill You - Fascinating info

The truth about our governMental & corporate activities are becoming more and more clear and obvious - Here Barnabas...

Colion Noir - The Truth About GUN VIOLENCE by the Numbers - Succinct and to the Point Facts!

You may have no interest in or even perhaps an revulsion to Guns but to many are believing the Mass Media and...