My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Dark Journalist - Catherine Austin Fitts Talks About Crypto Replacing the Dollar, Trump, Factions, Space Wars, AI

My goodness but what Catherine is saying is amazing, stunning in places and even worthy of "I knew it!" - it really...

Please DO NOT Watch this if You Easily Lose Your Peace - Chris Hedges - Fascism in the Age of Trump

Here Chris Hedges speaks to much of the truth as he knows it and what he is saying here is staggering and for many...

Edge of Wonder - Coronavirus - Why is China Scared of the Truth? Part 3

3rd part presented by Ben & Rod of EoW - Interesting all that they've dug up so far...

Edge of Wonder - Coronavirus - Why is China Scared of the Truth? Part 2

Here's part 2 of the Edge of Wonders presentation on this - BTW, I am NOT saying what Ben and Rob is presenting here...

Edge of Wonder - Coronavirus - Why is China Scared of the Truth? Part 1

As is ALWAYS the case, the mass media NEVER tells the truth about anything - this IS a manmade virus - it appears to...

David Icke - Your Choice is Being Systematically Deleted - Forced Vaccines - Loss of Free Speech

Total Loss of Freedoms is Now Ramping up very, very rapidly - Now in the state of Oregon, Vaccinations are now...

David Icke - The Corona Virus Drama - Yet Another Concocted Drama for the World Stage

Here David Icke outlines a number of the obvious ways the world Stage is being used to program and test all of...

Corbett Report - Global Weirding - I mean Global Chaos - I mean Global Warming - So Silly

I know I have said it so many times - the media has simply NEVER told the truth about anything, not that they...

Corbett Report - The Corona Virus - Fire Fighters clashing with Police in Paris

To hear it told by real authorities, it does appear the Corona Virus is yet another man-made bug being tested on an...

Corbett Report - The 3rd Annual REAL Fake News Awards!

This is funny in places and also kind of sobering as well - Enjoy!

Corbett Report - Smedley Butler - War is a Racket!

Major General Smedley Butler was, at the time, the most decorated Marine in History - in his book, he makes clear...

Ricky Gervais Golden Globes 2020 Monologue - OMG!

Ricky Gervais reveals on stage right in front of the very people involved and before the world - holly crime-inee -...

Max Igan - Disconnect People from Their History & Culture - They Become Disconnected from Who They Are

...this truly is the Plane of Untruth where nothing that is taught or believed is true - people reallt are losing...

ROBERT SEPEHR - A Titanic story about the Federal Reserve Bank - True Story!

it is very intersting to me that our nation, such as it currently is, is based on an Organized Crime Faction who's...

Ileana Johnson Paugh, PhD - The UN’s Agenda 21 Influences Every Aspect of Society -

Knowledge of Agenda 21 has been around for quite some time - anyone can download the Agenda and read it over - here,...

Giants Everywhere Long Ago - NY Times Posted Many Articles

This is just kind of fascinating...

ROBERT SEPEHR - Why Globalism Matters - Sobering!

I most of us know that our and every other Government is very corrupt, serving only the well connected and super...

Prof. Donald Hoffman - The Case Against Reality - Fascinating!

Science is beginning to realize and even prove that this Plane of Existence is made up of Light, Frequency and...

ROBERT SEPEHR - Dark Matter, Aether, and the New 5th Force of Nature

Funny how science wrestles with things, missing the point entirely. Truth is Aether (best described at the Potential...

THE MANDELA EFFECT - Movie Trailer - Yes, Someone Decided to Make a Movie Loosely About it...

Many of you are familiar with the phenomenon called the Mandela Effect that seems have happened a few years back....