My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Windows 10 Creator's Edition - Loss of Privacy Flibbertigibbet - Basically What You Should Know

OK, this guy might be a bit annoying but he was a former MS employee and has lots of internal knowledge along with current knowledge... Like I've been saying since MS came out with Win10, that it IS the biggest Spyware program ever produced! It is worse then this guy is stating in fact! My Privacy package is super important if you are running any version of Windows 10! Additionally, I'm current testing a IT thinned version of Windows 10 Creator that has lots of this stuff completely removed, not just disabled, yet the OS works great! I intend to ONLY install this version from now on to protect all my users and of course myself! Special thanks to JF for time to work on new technology laptop & Win10 Creator / Privatized IT Edition! Win10...Ugh... Win7 support on new hardware... Ugh again...
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