My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Win Hof Method - Breathing to Heal - Breathing to Stabilize - Breathing to More than Endure

This guy (Wim Hof) is fascinating - Imagine hiking in sub-zero weather in shorts and boots ONLY without issue! Wim Hof Breathing Method - Meditative seated position - 1st thing in the morning – Keep Supreme Focus 30 - Super Deep Breaths – smooth circle style – imagine blowing up a balloon - on the 31st Breath – Hold Deep Breath till gasp – force it into heart, neck and head – exhale slowly Repeat total cycle 3 more times - Cold Practice - Gradually build up to this, using no force to train your body's reaction - Relax into process – be with the cold – body will adapt and start thermogenesis - Recommendation: - At the end of a warm shower do 15-30 seconds cold, starting at the feet, working up the body to the neck and back – NOT Head just yet… Be present! - Initial shock, shivering and hyperventilation is normal! Use the Deep Breath cycle! - Close your eyes and try to embrace the cold – AAER - You Will Get Stronger over time (14 days min)! - Heavy Shivering, Numbness or Pain – Warm Immediately! - Eventually the cold will become normal feeling and you may begin to feel amazing afterwards.
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