My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Why Is The Deception of "Global Warming" Being Pushed So Hard On The World?

One has to wonder why governments and supposed experts are SCREAMING "the Earth is Cooked" (so to speak)... The real experts are showing very clearly and quietly that this is patently untrue... What is True is that the American & European Militaries are daily dumping nano-materials that can and are being used to manipulate weather to give the appearance of supposed Global Warming in key areas... We know this now after years of watching sky dumping and then watching very rapid weather changes sometimes in simple form of clearing all cloud cover in a matter of a few hours... So again, the question is Why? What's the game plan of the global elite with regard to this... To be clear, I do think that We as the people of this mostly lovely plain of existance, must turn from ALL dirty energy sources to clean, low cost energy! Dr Fred Goldberg Squashes Climate Alarmism - Not exciting info but none the less very important facts that DO NOT suggest anything remotely close to Global Warming, if anything, we are heading towards another Ice Age in about 2000 to 4000 years hence... ;) Burt Rutan (probably the Greatest Flight Expert EVER and also one of my favorite beings ever! I also was one of the last people to buy his plans for the "Long Easy" before he discontinued selling that design to the general public) Senator Malcolm Roberts Nov 8th 2016 in Australia discussing the real nature of Weather... Some facts on Climate Change by Professor Matt Ridley to the Royal Society, UK on the 17th October, 2016 More facts by a real expert... Sierra Club President simply will NOT address this supposed seriouys issue...
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