My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

What Did The Ancient Sumerian Civilization Know That We Do Not?

This is a fascinating look at life, gods and cosmogeny from the viewpoint of humans, roughly 6,000 years ago. Can you imagine actually rubbing elbows with the god you worshiped at the time or even wilder, possibly bathed and clothed such a being every day of your service life?! Zachariah Sachin has authored a number of books, the last couple of which, though fairly technical, are very interesting save for his flawed conclusions based on an incomplete understanding of the Earth's cosmogeny. The true nature of the physical Earth may have far more to do with Sachin's early conclusion based on clay tablets having to do with the Earth being cleaved in two by what may Not have been a natural calamity but rather very advanced technology and the resultant true nature of our Earth is being kept from us to this very day for hundreds of years now...
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