My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

WeatherWar101 - ALL of the Recent Hurricanes are in Fact Man Made - Video Proof

I've been watching this site for years and in all that time WW101 has shown video proof that our weather, including all the big storms for years now have all been Man Made - People simply do NOT want to believe this in part because it seems so far fetched but also because current, so called experts in science say it just isn't possible. - The reality is, it's not only possible but has been is wide use for at least 10 years nnaybe longer... In this video presentation, once you get to the video proof part of the presentation, clearly show mmass moisture generation both on land and in the ocean. What you are seeing here is hundreds to thousands of square miles over land and sea - moisture generation that is both VERY unnaturally fast and extreme in shear volume. Add to this HARPP use upon these as well as aluminum dusting prior to moisture generation and you've got a recipe for global weather control. If a nation doesn't play by the Fed Reserve rules then it will shortly see either destructive weather or earth quake activities - both man made and both equally destructive - the Corporatocracy that runs the world is also tasked with conntrolling and destroying it for little other purpose then power, control, profit and population reduction... What a crazy time we live in! Best to focus on you, your own path through life and where you can, Love & Help others! Vapor generation - blamed on Global Warming which of course is also a complete fraud... Geo-engineering my ars... Tampa Bay Water Dissappears (they used so much water trying keep Hurricane Irma up and running but finally had to quit or risk exposure - really?! the Wind blew the water out - that is the dumest thing I've ever heard - having been a sailor, I can tell you this is utter nonsense) San Diego / Salton Sea weather crisis... History of Weather War & Testing
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