My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Ultimate Immersion - a Pure 3D Walk Through Entirely in Photo-Realistic 3D - Virtual Reality is Not Far Off!

I have to admire my exceedingly passionate and creative bretheren who do such amazing work entirely for the passion of it - Not that I think VR is potentially a good thing - imagine millions of young people, their minds and hearts constantly in VR at the expense of their bodies - you know, starving or dehydrating to death, having beeen in VR immersion for way too long... Still, this is amazing what these guys have done and if that were not enough - with the right hardware, you can simply download for FREE a series of "mods" for Skyrim SE that gives you THIS right now - for Free! Be sure to Full Screen this - click the litle 4 sided square in the corner of this video and even the sound is amazing... Sorry about the dumb commercials and advertisement - but that's partly how these guys get funds and of course how Google gets Billions in ad revenue... just click'm off'
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