My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Truthstream Media - Science Admitted Signals Control Us - Power of Positive Thinking - To BE or Not to Be

I like this very frank talk about both the science and the truth of our reality, that of positive thinking, speaking and acting from an inspired place is the BEST place to live from. Whereas, living from fear, stress anxiety is the certain path to the end of your physical form. Consider ending all viewing, reading or listening to anything stressful - News of any kind, movies, books - fact of the matter is most of what we can watch, read or listen to has story elements that are life and death stressful - How on Earth do we manage to live a stress free existance when nearly ALL input is charged with stressful elements and most of us are addicted to this - as well as sugar, corn syrup, wheat, corn, bad water, bad air, troubled relations - what part of us is NOT stressed out anyway?!
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