My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

The Socially Skewed Tech Behind FaceBook - Fascinating Look At How Bad and Anti-Free-Speech FB Really Is

Nothing New about Social Media being corrupt and favoring Very Harsh, End Game, Far Left Agendas put forth by shadow Elite for Very Dark Purpose - Nothing new there - what is new and worth checking out in this presentation is the simple tech and ideologies Behind What FB and all major Social Media corps are doing but Not covering it up very well - it is becoming more and more obvious every day, not only the Loss of Free Speech but also the twisting of what is stated online technologically to greatly reduce impact of things we Should be hearing and seeing in favor of that which does nothing for us but send us ALL deeper into the oblivion of a form of Fascism that NOT a single human, Right or Left will enjoy... The Elite will enjoy watching us all squirm under oppression the likes of which will make Stalin have a wet dream in his grave...
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