My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

The Flat Earth as Spiritual Path Out of the Karmic Nature of Life in Duality

This excellent overview of what most think of as North and South Poles but more importantly is an expression of what has been extracted from many ancient writings and is summed up by the narrator for our greater understanding... Like everything in our time, nothing is known for certain and nearly all that we think we know is at some level a prevarication or a obfuscation of what is actually true - truly, real knowing of anything is subjective at best and all must evaluate everything and express NOTHING as fact or true, yet constantly pursue the truth as best we can, almost entirely from within... The issue is NOT wether the Earth is flat or not, rather our path thru this plain and our attitude founded on every choice being from Love rather then from a good/bad, right/wrong, light/dark... Just my opinion of course... Special thanks to Dorje Daka for posting this on YT
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