My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

ROBERT SEPEHR - Dark Matter, Aether, and the New 5th Force of Nature

Funny how science wrestles with things, missing the point entirely. Truth is Aether (best described at the Potential to Be) is the very fabric of ALL that IS - well below sub-atomic and difficult for that which is made of the Fabric to study the Fabric (of ALL that IS) - still what these scientists are seeing is results that suggest the PtB (Potential to Be)... what is also likely true is that there are elements of Aether that favor (for a lack of better way to say it) or have a predisposition for Air or Water or Solidity or Fire, all these in their purest senses to be sure... The 5th element is also likely us as Humans, suggested by the fact that a single photon of light behaves differently when observed by a human vs when Not observed... In other words, the Fabric of ALL that IS, made up of Light, Frequency and Information or Mind if you prefer, behaves differently when we Observe it, let alone interact with it! - This bring to mind the book "Power of Positive Thinking" where the author basically suggests that with an very positive mind, heart and action, Life just is better in every way! I like this and I am also finding that reprogramming myself seems kind of a long arjouos process, like slogging through mud, kmowing that you have to make your distination by end of day...
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