My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Press for Truth - Transgender Insanity

Geez, I wasn't sure I wanted to post this at first, the absurdity of some people and the social norming of Child Sex Abuse' - I have to agree with Dan that these people pushing this kind of thing are some of the darkest, creepiest, worst of humanity. No one seems to want to believe the huge pedo-rings that so many of our government reps have participated in - Pizza-gate represents a very real, very huge pedo-ring that the media chose to water down to the point that there was little outrage at this being uncovered - when the truth is - there should have been a whole lot of very powerful people put away for the rest of their lives for their participation in the most terrible of all crimes, that of child sex abuse... The Transgender thing is a whole other issue with some VERY vocal support that borders on abuse itself... I was fairly recently waited upon by a young person who clearly was heading down this path - I must confess that I struggled to talk to the person for fear of offending since I simply could not tell whether male or female - This young person was quite a pleasant, capable wait person, an excellent server... I felt that I can accept, allow, embrace and release anyone but I think I would have to draw the line with those using influence and media to sway innocent young ones who are at an age where their sexuality simply has not expressed itself naturally yet - I would even go so far as to suggest that it IS a form of child abuse to influence what otherwise should be a natural process of growth and maturing that results in certainty one way or another - Truth of it is - A guy who gets surgically altered to be "female-like" is really just a male playing permanent dress up - same a with a gal who get surgically modified to be "male-like" is really just a female... All this is born of the minds of the Elite and is part of Agenda 21 which has thousands of elements to it - but mainly it is essentially a population reduction plan of 90% ASAP - the remaining 10% (roughly 500K) compliant little worker ants... These Elite simply can Not be human - because what human would wipe out everything...? Stuff to think about...
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