My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Mass Media Corruption - Presentation that Convinces People to Kill Themselves by Lethal Injection

The Mass Media Execs and presenters ARE complicit with the Deep State in hoodwinking the weak, naive people of the US and the World - it is utterly remarkable to me just how many people buy the PUKE the media spews on the public, hopping down to the local medical outlet to enthusiastically get the Lethal Injection without thinking twice about it. And we are talking about people, many of whom have been around long enough to KNOW the corrution of the US govenment and its handler Mega-Corps. Of course it also amazes me how many of our fellow humans are completely willing to sell out their fellow humans for a Buck - The equivalent of Nazi Collaborators, one and all...
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