My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Gary Lite - About the Aether Element - Very Interesting!

I've always been fascinated by the rumor of the Aether (sometimes spelled "Ether"). Some have called Aether "the Space between Space" and my favorite, "the Potential to Be" - I remember my Father talking about this many years ago when I was young and many years later I would meet an elder scientist who had actually created a simple looking contraption that actually used Aetheric energy to motivate a heavy, solid steel roller up an incline without electricity of any kind - sadly, by the time I met him, his mind was nearly gone and he could remember little about his research other then that he'd done it and succeeded - he was always so afraid of "the Commies" as he called them, but also afraid of our government as well (geez, wonder why?!) Anyway, the study of the Aether is a fascinating one though the info out there does seem a bit sparce with some sites feeling very questionable - fact remains though that the Aether is real and actually has several flavors, each associated with one primary element of this plain, that of Earth, Water, Fire & Air and of course Aether itself would be the 5th...
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