My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Everything is a Lie on This Plain - What to Do About it

I know this sounds a bit negative but once you accept this, the thing to do about it is wonderfully positive and transformative! What follows is what I wrote the author of this video: What if... I so appreciate your calm, collected appraisal of the system such as it is worldwide! I hear and completely agree with both your appraisal and solution! Sadly, we both know that generally while people are good in their core nature, they are also almost universally contrary - like herding cats, humanity is - Yikes! There is hope but in an unexpected way. 1st, while I think people are addicted to the information flowing to them in every moment via their technology, I do think your encouragement to unplug is right on and is 1st base in the solution. Your 2nd encouragement to essentially go within, wake up to self and act out of love is also right on. If I were to suggest that it may be possible to force personal evolution, including one's own body, would anyone believe such a notion? Can any realize the deeper truth that this is plain of existence is, in fact, a holodeck with some of the most important controls built into each and every one of us?! So what to do with that? How about simply beginning to reprogram ourselves via simple, elegant, supremely positive words and phrases, read out loud multiple times per day to begin the process of both reminding and becoming what and who we truly were/are, now seemingly lost to mind currently but easily brought back with just a very small effort... All the while staying unplugged from news, media, movies, newspapers etc. Maybe Norman Vincent Peale had it right, the doorway back to who we truly are may very well start with the power of utterly positive thinking in every area of our thinking, no matter the dramas we currently find ourselves embroiled in... Make a recording on your phone of your own voice stating the most positive things about yourself and your life imaginable - breathe those words into the deepest part of your being and soul like taking in your favorite floral fragrance that you've experienced in ages - become the words, the words are you... This may seem like a rather fluffy beginning to some but it is effective, in part because a vacuum of imbalance is so big that our natural state of being is essentially spring loaded to spring back to balance and then to evolution if we just give it a little effort... The darkness you begin to see around you is but an encouragement for you to evolve - remember, that you really are consciousness having a physical experience in a virtual holodeck and the most important controls and safeties are within you and always have been... You can do it - I believe in you all and you can believe in you and all as well - its but a choice between fear & love...
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