My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

David Icke - The Absurdity of Trump and The Elite That Are Controlling Him

I don't think it's a surprise to anyone that there have been and are elite that essentially control the talking head position of the presidency. It feels like that has shifted even more towards the dark side with Trump happily doing what is required of him and more... The poor, frightened people of this country, not knowing what to do, how to research or feeling like they had a choice - chose to put a orange haired clown into office thinking that we might luck out with this bafoon this time... This bafoon is now happily rushing us to WWIII - what, did we all think he was kidding with all the absurd claims of what he'd do once in office? Don't get me wrong, I did NOT Vote for this clown nor did I vote for Mob Boss Clinton - it might look different but Hill would be doing the same crazy shite but with a great deal more subtlety - it's like I've been saying for years, the US presidency is mostly a talking head position - to prove this to yourself simply take a look at the last say 6 presidents first 120 days in office and I think you'll see that there is a marked difference when compared to Trump's initial time in office that we are seeing right now... David Icke The Richie Allen show discussing the Syrian air strike of nearly 60 missiles on Syria without ANY evidence for the strike - Trump's "beautiful baby" comment is so absurd - he could give a rat's ass about any but himself - you watch, directed by his elite Zionist/Jesuit handlers, Trump is just getting started...
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