My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

David Icke - So You Think Trump is Going to Be Better Than Obombma? Guess Again

Our political system is so ridiculous that it is hard to write about it theese days, the corruption is so obvious... So now we have Trump in Office and he immediately starts filling his cabinet with Goldman-Sachs Execs and others with seriously scary backgrounds - No surprise here and lest it crosses your mind, Clinton would have been just as bad (most corrupt pair in American political history) - Geez, we should have elected Jill Stein & Ajamu Baraka, at least then we'd know what we were getting... Of course it is also true that the hidden hand of the super elite IS very powerful and is in utter control of this nation, like it or not... America - The creepiest nation on Earth! All because of a small group of super Elite who control corporations, government & the military! Elite controlled Nation Get a grip on your own mind before someone else gets a hold of it, if they haven't already...'
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