My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

David Icke - Running Discussion of Social Media and its Effect on Youth & ALL

It is such a fascinating examination of the engineering and expression of Social Media, its effects and possible future results among so much else - especially if you are a parent, this may be a good intro to Social Media and what it is Very likely doing to your kids without your OR their awareness - Yikes! - copy & paste this Web page URL into your Web Browser: I had to post a a little something to David Icke's YT page... Great, worthy opinion on the Judaeo-Christian Bible's Gawd as a kind of Grand Narcissism! ..."Neophobia" - I'll have to look that up, not that I find any answer let alone an accurate one - in any case, thanks so much for adding clarity to a very subtle thing, preying easily on simple, youthful minds and hearts that have little self-awareness to begin with... Good thing this is just a big, scary, visceral Holodeck Experience for shockingly Contrary, Creative, Violent Souls. You know what else is interesting? The Social Media system itself may very well be run by some kind of AI that auto adjusts things for greater impact upon the user, yet enhanced or de-enhanced impact on others depending on content of the specific post. Now imagine this dynamic engineering of flowing content being perfectly and very darkly skewed x Millions of users worldwide!? This is why a certain young person showing himself eating boxes of Fruitloops can have MILLIONS of views and tens of thousands of likes! There is SO much empty, mindless, useless, absurd content massively popular amongst our youth AND the AI/System making such content innocently available to ALL or at least a certain age and consciousness group - so here's the thing, what if this AI-controlled system has an expression for EVERY human intellect class? - all of it nicely slipping, easily under every conscious filtering system, right into the subconscious... Now imagine a bit further that this same AI is monitoring EVERYTHING, every action, every comment, every gesture, every noise!? Pretty grim my brothers and sisters, pretty grim... in any case, much thanks for all you are doing and sharing what these mates are doing! Preview Sam Vaknin interview ...may be worse than we ever thought... 3 minute overview
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