My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Dalai Lama - "Europe Is For Europeans, Refugees Must Go Home and Rebuild"

Wow, even the Dalai Lama states clearly that Migrants must be supported in ultimately going home and rebuilding - The Migrant crisis is Real - is an Agenda of a very small group of elite who absolutely hate with an insane intensity all educated, stable Euopean nations and are doing everything possible to wipe those nations and their people off the face of the Earth - we are seeing this agenda playing all over the world - interesting that the one Nation that is Not only Not participating in this but in fact is BOOTING all non-Israelis is Israel, much to the consternation of most of the Jewish people there and abroad... Interesting also that this is NOT happening in Japan, China, North & South Korea - The focus is entirely on the stable, well educated European Nations and America (the agenda is ramping up quite differently here in the US). Dalai Lama Bono Declares His VERY Racist Hatred of white Swedes (this is pretty nasty people) clearly Bono has been a part of the elite agenda for years and this is a public expression of his service to the very dark elite...
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