My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Barnabas Nagy - Fake Politics - We Pretty Much Already Knew The Trumpster IS NOT Going to Save Us

Barnabas Nagy makes some excellent points, emotionally what we all think of the Trumpster aside for a moment... Eveery President, essentially has been for some time a powerless, Talking Head position, simply parroting what he is told by the Shadow Elite who are careful to NEVER walk into the light... Like it or Not, this has been true of Obombma, the Bushees, certainly the Trumpster, possibly with the exception of JFK who may have started as a Talking Head but then switched and attempted to make a difference America sorely needed - we all Know what happened to him... In my opinion, there is only one way out of this dark dungeon and that is to NOT shine a light but rather become the essence of Light itself - to Evolve, starting with changing your programming, which starts by removing ourselves from ALL media input, News, Movies, Series, News Paper, Magazines and ALL Commercials! Truth of it is, soon, ALL Voices Not in alignment with the running Mass Media narrative Will Be Silenced and No ONE will Know the Truth of anything outside that narrative - a narrative that HAS NEVER Ever been based in Truth... Trumpster America? Made up History
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