My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Aplanetruth2 - BioWeaponized Weather on Steroids Worldwide Today - Seriously Scary

Holy cow! This has to be one of the scariest reveals I've ever heard - one moment while I run out side, arms flailing wildly, running around my office in an out of control CFD (Ch_____se Fire Drill)... Whew, OK I feel better now - What to do about this? While I still think personal evolution should be a top priority, I also might add emergency water and food supplies properly secured - check out Operation Popeye in the early 70's - shows we had basic weather control way back then - think they might have improved on that since then? Near the end simply tap your Space bar on your keyboard to pause to read the memes that are presented - some are pretty telling... Ever heard of an "Earthquake Swarm"?
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