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A Simple Form of Compassion - Stop Eating Beings Of Any Kind

I have always had a difficult time getting enough quality protein and animal fats. I’ve always thought “OK, I’m more of a big cat and so I just need “creature” all the time” at least that’s what I’ve always told myself after failing years ago to “go vegan”… Over the last year I've begun to feel the need to reduce my own consumption of “creature” (beings) both for spiritual and compassion reasons. I know I’ll probably not be able to become fully “vegan” but I always will obtain raw milk, farm – free range eggs and cheese from farms that support healthy animals and never slaughter or just go without… The milk, eggs and cheese bought in super markets is always from sources that abuse animals, so these are just off the menu for good! There are so many small farms that supply really excellent raw milk around the country, it shouldn’t be too hard to make friends and pay for supply. In some states like Oregon, you can’t buy raw milk but you can do what’s called “Herd Lease” which is where you become a kind of farm supporter and consequently have the right to some of the product. This helps the farmer and also really helps your own health and well being wonderfully. For some who can’t get raw milk, eggs and cheeses from excellent farmers, there are lots of vegetarian options but take care to keep the sugars and grains down as best you can… Often adding a very high potency of Probiotics to your initial quest into being a vegetarian is very helpful and quickly you may discover reduced urges to eat, weight loss, less aches and pains and greater energy… Due to common unhealthy diets most people are not only severely malnourished but are also over run by candida… A few weeks of 200 billion live organism Probiotics every day and the candida will be gone though you might still need take a maintenance dose of Probiotics to keep things excellent. Next, juicing with organic fruits & vegetables is very positive to your entire system in part because you are giving yourself lots more life energy than anything you might have previously done not to mention getting a big dose of nutrients as well… It’s an adventure and an exploration that will turn out really well if you stick to it. I’m right there trying to do the same thing and for those of you who know me, you can call me anytime and I’ll help you with suggestions… This video is right, it’s a path to becoming vegan and it starts with small steps, moving towards complete stop of the consumption of any and all animal flesh…
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