My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

200 Points That Suggest The Earth Is Other Then Has Been Taught - Eric Dubay

Though long, it's best to watch this all the way through perhaps even take some notes to get full gravity (pun intended) of this issue... While some of these points are Not imperical evidence, some are close and encourage more research on the exact nature of Earth that most of us have simply taken for granted as being as we have been taught... Why should we care how the Earth is? Well, so much of everything we've been taught in school is based in some part to the stated nature of our "Plainette". It will take Courage to look at this objectively... In the end you may be left with one simple question; WHY? Why is this so important that so many would work together to cover it up so? Why is it so important that we all believe the Earth to be round? What would happen if we all decided to believe the Earth Flat and stationary? If you feel resistance to this, ask yourself, what are you afraid of...?
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