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100 Proofs that the Earth is Indeed a Flat Plain and Not a Ball - Interesting Information

100 Proofs Earth Is Not a Globe, book by William Carpenter. In the interest of preserving for posterity the wealth of flat Earth knowledge and research done during the late 19th and early 20th century, Eric Dubay is presenting a series of audio/videobook and PDF downloads to make them more easily and widely available. Today's selection is William Carpenter's 1885 book "100 Proofs Earth is Not a Globe." You can download the free PDF here: Please like, subscribe, comment and share this important documentary with all your social networks! Please research Flat Earth: 1. Horizon always rises to eye level 2. Water always finds its level 3. Gyroscope's always remaining level throughout worldwide aeroplane flight travel 4. Polaris never moves from its position despite earths travel through space 5. No measurable curvature 6. Terminator line on the moon during daytime often does not coincide with suns directional light 7. Gravity is simply buoyancy & density 8. No photographic evidence of satellites 9 . Questionable flight paths in southern hemisphere 10. Antarctic treaty forbids freedom of movement in Antarctic 11. Van Allen radiation belt makes space travel impossible 12. Water bubbles on ISS film footage 13. The Fake moon landing 14. The Sun & globe earth model contradictions
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