My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Shakaama - Japan Releases Fully Functioning Female Robots - You Can't Make this Stuff Up

Imagine wealthy busy execs the world over who want the simplicity of a female like entity in the house, cooking, cleaning, F_ing and even able to carry a child to term (albiet a seriously messed up, chemically altered, GMO FrankenBaby) for only like a million bucks or so - this is utterly absurd to us normal people but they are going to do this, rolling these automatons out even right now - Did you ever see Blade Runner with Harrison Ford or how about Will Smith in iRobot - yeah, no need for people by 2030 I think - unless people truly wake up and hold higher frequencies of Pure Love, seeing all who've right or wronged you as those who've been on your stage playing their part in your life perfectly - so express appreciation for those of the negative experience and release them - freeing yourself from ever being a victim - because you know Victims ALWAYS become Perps (perpetrators) holding higher frequency and simply standing your ground peacefully yet in authority, stating clearly "NO, I will NOT take the Jab - NO, I will Not stop my work - NO, I will NOT keep a distance from thse I Love unless they ask it of me - NO, I will NOT mask up like a silly clown in Clown World - YES, I LOVE ALL by Accepting ALL, Allowing ALL, Embracing ALL and Releasing ALL to be and do as they will" - This is the true battle - within us to see and make these choices and stand by them unsure if it will be enough - yet still standing... Have courage in this my friends - the next 12-24 months are going to be ...demanding, entertaining and mildly brutal - Love everyone with all that is within you and pursue personal evolution, also with everything within you!
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