My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Ice Age Farmer - Oregon Bill to BAN Livestock - Stunning War on Farming-Ranching

Has Oregon Finally Lost Its Legislative Mind?

If you happen to live in Oregon, then you know that is just a rhetorical question because yes, they have. It happened years ago when elections moved to mail in balloting only and put an end to meaningful conservative participation in the State government. So now there’s a cherry to go on top of the regular woke insanity: Animal Husbandry = Sexual Assault. Seriously.

Bill IP13 is a ballot initiative that has been filed for the Oregon 2021 General Elections. On the surface this is a bill to extend more protections against abuse of animals. An excellent sounding goal, but his poorly conceived, poorly written bill would effectively outlaw cattle production in Oregon. And sheep, horses, chickens…. From reading the initiative, it’s pretty clear these people have never been to a working farm nor do they understand how an actual farm works. Then again, they don’t care. The agenda is one that’s been around for a long time and most recently has been championed by Colorado’s “PAUSE” act – the “Protect Animals from Unnecessary Suffering and Exploitation” act. The agenda is to ban the production and consumption of meat in Oregon and to punish those in that industry by sending them into bankruptcy either via costs from fighting this bill, or by it’s passage. Oh yeah, they also want those that insist on being carnivorous to be forced to switch to options like engineered meat products – the Woke Technocracy’s wet dream.

In case you haven’t thought about it yet, Hunting and Fishing would also face being banned. Ice Age Farmer (Youtube) put together a video on this travesty of potential legislation that you really need to watch below:

Like myself, everyday people are looking at what’s happening in the world and scratching their heads; does anyone else see the insanity, or is it just me? You are not alone. Across the globe there are people coming together to put a halt to the madness, they may even be your neighbor. Not the “armed militia” way, but in a hands on, wake up and help your neighbor way. Here in Oregon we have the Oregon State Assembly. Find an assembly near you at and help stop this kind of crazy before it get’s any stronger.

Definitely having steak and eggs for breakfast…

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