My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Karen Hudes Describes State Capture of the Courts, Congress & Switch Away from Federal Reserve Notes

. I was so gratified to hear Karen Hudes explain so many things that I have been saying for years, that pretty much NO one actually wants to believe… Some have told me that I was a kook for believing such nonsense… Please listen to this interview in its entirety to hear real, honest to gawd truth that nearly everyone has missed in their busy lives and so have Done Nothing about. Did you know that you, every one of you are nothing but a kind of stock commodity to a corporate government? You are NOT a person and thus essentially have no rights in the United States Corporation lands. That’s right, the government you thought was American is in fact a huge corporation with no other concern but profit at ANY cost, even your life if it can profit off of it… Did you know that NONE of your tax dollars ever come back to better any part of this nation, anywhere or in anyway? 100% of your Fed tax dollars go to the Fed and end up funding all the wars you never voted for, go into pockets that should Not have these funds and the rest ultimately finds its way to the Vatican via the British Crown… These supposed conspiracies of fanatics are all painfully true and we must all stop this soulless machine by raising awareness and stopping funding it in any way! You think I’m kidding, listen to Karen Hudes explain much better than I can the history that led up to how things actually are here in the supposed Land of the Free & Home of the Brave where the United States Corp. run by the Fed Reserve Corp spends the lives of our young men and women like water on its financial interests all over the globe… Listen and start asking hard questions and tell your friends and family as much as you can because it’s through awareness that real, peaceful change really begins to take place. The truth of it is, America really has become the “Devil” in the world, working incredible evil everywhere while holding the mask of virtue (through the mass media) up so no suspects it’s darkness… And we, the American people are all complicit by ignoring the problems, pretending that there are none while our supposed government goes on the rampage, killing everything and everyone that gets in its way… The Dumping of Millions of Tons of nano-particulate Aluminum, slowly killing ALL Life on this planet, turning 90% of the food distribution system into poison (GMO, toxic chemicals, extreme mutation), turning the water into mind numbing poison (Fluoride & countless toxins), filling every corner of the planet with increased radiation to stress and reduce Life, all Life… This is what our Corporate Government is really up to. Obombma and most of his predecessors have been complicit at the highest levels, whether forced or voluntary… Stop voting for the Right or the Left, both are players on the same stage, funded by the same corporate filth for the same end result no matter which gets voted in… Non-participation may very well be our best tool in repairing this nightmare…
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