My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Simple Elegant Proof the Earth May Not Be Completely Round - Why Is This Important?

The more I and everyone I know look into this the more we all wonder how we managed to be so fooled and are now...

The Sandy Hook Kids Are NOT the Only Ones Still Alive - Space Shuttle Astronauts Are Still Alive & Well

In fact if you look at the Wikipedia page on this you'll see that the entire story of Columbia has been completely...

Could D-Wave Quantum Computing Be Behind the Mandela Effects People are Experiencing?

Could this be why thousands of people are experiencing what they describe as "altered memories" known as "The...

Karen Hudes Explains Clearly The Beginnings of Our System and Why it is Corrupt...

I think it is really good to hear a succinct overview of how our system really got started (very different then what...

Earth May Not Be Round - Pictorial Evidence That Suggests Something Else...

Note the angles that should not be there if the Sun is really 90,000,000 + miles away!In the "Fish Bowl"​ (Flat...

Proof From NASA's Own Documentation The They Know The Earth Is Flat...

...there is so much we are being mislead on by NASA and essentially every governmental institution... We truly...

Flat Earth or Round Earth? Believe it Or Not, This Question IS Serious Up For Debate...

Flat Earth or Round Earth? These days it is So Very Difficult to find Voices of Reason who are able to lay out...

Remember Sandy Hook? Here Are the Kids, VERY MUCH ALIVE!

I've been telling you for sometime now that Sandy Hook was a "False Flag" event, Stage Play if you'd like. All of...

Compared to the Ancient Past - There Are No Trees on This Flat Earth - Stunning Realization

This is such a stunning realization when you consider the presupposition being presented in these videos... For...

With a Photograph, A Tourist Accidentally Shows That Earth is NOT Round But Obviously Flat...

The thing you have to understand about me is that I have zero fear of the unknown. Any credible argument about most...

The Mandela Effect - A Number of Interesting Viewpoints of This Phenomenon

Get used to it my friends, Kansas no longer exists (so to speak) - Basically, The Mandela Effect is essentially the...

Most Do Not Understand Why Walmart is So Destructive to Every Community, This Leach of a Corporation Inserts Itself...

I was talking with a friend who had just purchased a Dell laptop at Walmart and asked me to look at it. I was...

War is Show Business and Yet Big Business - David Icke

David Icke has a sit down frank conversation using the film ""Wag the Dog" explaining why War is indeed show...

We Live in a Kingdom of Bullsh*t - Poignant Short Film on How Our Society Has Become

I love it when our artists speak the truth in the most extreme way...

Julian Assange of Wikileaks Clarifies Clinton e-mail Scandal as well as Trumps Connection with Russia...

The choice of Clinton or Trump, "that's like asking to choose between cholera or gonorrhoea" -Julian Assange......

David Icke Live in Melbourne - David Nails The Essence Of Our Planet

David Icke some feel to be an utter nut. The truth is that what he has been saying for so many years is so...

The Green Party's Vice Presidential Choice Is Unusual But Also Appropriate and Might Just Work

RT News Interview with Jill Stein's running mate just might work what with all the DNC & RNC craziness, the Green...

No Democratic Channel Would Run with This Inside Story of Hillary From a Secret Service Viewpoint

SO, I don't care for Fox or any of Big Media outlets at all, they are all just as corrupt as one another but this...

David Wilcock: The Ascension Mysteries | Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil

As ever, David Wilcock provides hugely interesting information alot of it Really hard to believe so this is provided...

You Know After All The Crazy Rt & Lft Thing Recently, Jill Stein is Looking Better & Better!

After so much insanity in the Rt & Lft parties mixed with such bad candidates and Corporate Controlled Media that...