My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

The Earth Is FLAT - Simple Science Shows Current Understanding in Question

Have courage to see for your self - Simply watch this and be open enough and with a little humility to see that you like every other person on this planet (or fish bowl) have been deceived to a degree barely imaginable - Again, Why? Remember, ""a Lie Repeated 100 times Becomes Truth" ODD presents common sense proofs of the of an Earth that is NOT round but rather quite flat in nature ...Deeper look into what is possibly the Biggest issue ever tackled and the Biggest Deception ever wrought upon society as a whole... Some historical cosmology around our "Planate" I've actually done that - taken pictures of San Clemente Pier (ate on the pier as well!) from Dana Point... Little did I know back then...
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