My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

NASA Has So Many Holes in Their Presentation - Rethinking What We've Been Taught - Rethinking Everything!

There are so many problems with everything NASA has presented to the world. Even if there were only ONE thing wrong, it would call into question everything they’ve presented. There is so much we take for granted, as truth because "They Would Not Lie To Us About Such Big Things, Would They? It takes courage & humility to question the Sacred Facts we've all been taught... People who don't want to know that what they've always held as truth is all wrong - they WILL call you "absurd" if you dare to think for yourself and question the hollowed truths of our time and the status quo… Just like in the movie The Matrix, most people Do NOT want to wake up and see what really is, they just want to be left alone to work, eat, sleep, poop and...
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