My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Jill Stein & Ajamu Baraka Join Native American Protesters Against the Dakota Access Pipeline

While our current government officials including Obama (he should be there, standing against this...) show exactly 0 interest in what is going on in the Dakota's, Jill Stein & Ajamu Baraka actually show up to support this effort and publisize further the incredible injustice going on there by both Corporate and Givernmental Agencies... We need to call into our representatives and demand support for this effort! Oh and the ND Gov is now sending in the National Guard - This could go explosive with the introduction of Military that is devoted to the Corporate agenda and NOT the 1st Nations People... Jill standing against this... Who's Funding this Travesty - We Must boycott these organizations where we can...' Jill Stein facing warranty for her arrest for spray painting the blade of a bulldozer - Execs of Construction order delibarate destruction of Sacred barrial sites and injury of protestors... Some more on the Dog attacks that obviously was unprovoked... This has potential to become the basis for a huge disaster... Another viewpoint...
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