My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Standing Rock - Dakota Access Pipeline - Still Being Pushed Forward - Anyone There Being Arrested

Standing Rock Sioux Leader, Chase Iron Eyes (also running for Congress) says Dakota Governor is stepping up control & arrests while also keeping everyone out possible to keep what he's doing from being made public. Obama's ruling meant exactly Nothing, it apparently was designed to unplug the tension and allow quieter continuation of the same travesty which is this Pipeline action... PLEASE focus prayers and positive intentions towards the Standing Rock Sioux and Chase Iron Eyes but also go to their web site at Our sick, twisted government has all but eradicated the 1st Nations Peoples for hundreds of years and now, we the people of America have an opportunity to stand with them in defiance & protection of Big government/Corporate/Banking interests that care Nothing for these people or us for that matter. It is time we stood up against this kind of thuggery, time to shine bright lights on this Governor's actions and ethics as well as that of the involved Corporations… Other suggestions include calling your State’s Representatives, flooding lines with demands to help stop this travesty from continuing… Also consider posting on the Reservation & Tribal Facebooks & Twitter pages as well as on Facebooks pages of Governor Jack Dalrymple… I hope I do Not have to remind everyone to post respectfully but also Very clearly to the Governor’s sites... Redacted Tonight DAPL and the National Guard information Obama, initially on DAPL... The Obama Cabinet has in fact done little for 1st Nations peoples, nation wide... Boots on the ground footage on the 13th at the DAPL construction head... Illegal use of National Guard as Law Enforcement - Note firearms appear to not be loaded or only have a single chambered round...
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