My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Live@5 - Forced Vaccination - Greatest Fraud Ever

The people of the world are the Enemy of the Deep State and so the Deep State has marked all People for Termination and Vaccines are one of the fastest ways to do this. Taking the Jab WILL make you slightly off Human and therefore OWNED by Big Pharma Corps interests - kid you Not. This is the beginning of End Game by the Deep State against Humanity... Wish I had better news but this is the truth of what is going on. Much thanks to Tank, Kim & Lisa + Team of LifeForce - go to: and signup to learn so much more (might need to copy and paste this link into your Web Browser)! Forced... CAUTION - this is somewhat graphic but it is what is happening in Africa right Now AND this is what IS planned for the US & Europe as well - have you noticed how many formerly loving compassionate young people have turned into mildly to severely verbally abussive youth? There is a very potent programming agenda in media & social media that is designed to coopt impressionable young minds and turn them into mindless, violent soldiers when the time comes - right now, as many have noticed, many young people are simply impossible to reason with, so great is their programming, even in young adults well into their 20's and even 30's - they simply can NOT be reasoned with in the slightest - part of this has to do with energetic threads attached to nearly all Human minds, hearts, souls and bodies designed to hold fast the young into an ideology that not only is NOT real but that is also meant to control them and ultimately end them as, in essense, cannon fodder... As the Deep State has always done - They Create the Problem, they Create the Reaction in the Media, then they Create the solution which is NOT in anyway a solution - then USE, Abuse & Throw Away as so much garbage, all who've they used...
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