My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Corbett Report - The Corona Virus - Fire Fighters clashing with Police in Paris

To hear it told by real authorities, it does appear the Corona Virus is yet another man-made bug being tested on an unasuming populace and like previous "scares" of this kind, it will amount to nothing but you can bet the CDC and Big Pharma are going to be blasting the people of the world, most especially gullible US citizens that they have yet another vacccine to deal with this "Global Threat" - Don't you believe it for one moment! Such things have ALWAYS proven far more toxic than the virus they are supposed to protect you from and this IS by design - again, anothee fascet of Agenda 21 (90% population reduction as quickly and quietly as possible) BTW, if you are thinking Agenda 21 is just a conspiracy theory - you can find AND read a copy of Agenda 21 on your lovely goverment's web site - isn't that just special?! Virus - Paris The Myth of Journalistic Objectivity
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