My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Dr Rashid A Buttar - HUGE NEWS! Surgeon General Jerome Adams DROPS Gates/CDC/WHO model!

This really is worthy of celebration - also - so much evidence prooves that this was both a PlanDemic and a ScamDemic as well a Dress rehearsal - I wrote the following on Doc Rashid's channel today: Not to be a Party pooper but I am pretty certain this C19 "PlanDemic" was ONLY a dress rehearsal - I suspect that they wanted to see the Global response and I think they will, if not already, plan the REAL pandemic in the not too distant future (with a powerful engineered virus) - sadly, those of us who did NOT take this seriously, are likely going to be the primary target along with everyone over 55 or so... Not instilling fear but rather an encouragement to plan, to step up serious care for one self, to lose all sugars and carbs MOST especially Corn Syrup (all of which is GMO), to connect with local farmers and commit to regular purchases from these local farms, to prep a bit, to draw together with Love, acceptance, allowance within reason, release of old grievances, old hatreds, old standards of judgment and relating to one another - begin to look at where you are in co-dependence with your beliefs and religious groups - begin to clarify for yourself what you really believe and how you'd like to change that, accepting and allowing ALL who believe differently than you... my beloved fellow humans, we got to the place we are in for so many pretty irrelavent reasons that the Darkest of Elite managed to hoodwink us ALL and are now in control, likely dug in way worse than the toughest tick and We the People Can NOT and should NOT fight them directly - rather, let your love and compassion win out, drawing together in diverse communities that have one another's back so to speak - let us begin to barter, trade services for products and other services, be generous in all you do and Most of all - LOSE the Fear & Stress by Accepting Everything and Everyone, most especially your Self - even if Death is to come, face it with courage for this really is just a Holodeck and checking in and out of this place is easy, no big deal at all - those of you in Christianity, where is your faith really, those of you in Islam, where is your faith really, those of you in Hinduism, where is your faith really... and on, and on... lose that which does Not matter, build up and support that which does - in the end, that is family, community no matter how diverse and those we love... and to you Doc Rashid, well done and much thanks for all you do for the world - may you be magically supported in fascinating and substantial ways as you continue! David Icke - gets dropped by Vimeo - no big deal though...
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