My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Dr Rashid A Buttar - COVID-19 Virus Conspiracy? Deceptive Agenda, Censorship

More and more information proving that the media is using the same footage for New York and for Italy - Death certificates are now being automatically marked as Covid19 and secondarily the actual reason for death - yes, mass deception is being employed and the docs participating in this do not have a choice, they are being required to do this and not talk about it publicly - we are being Hoodwinked my friends - yet do Not fear - be motivated by Love and compassion - the Agenda in this might very well be nothing more than a Dress rehersal for the real over-turning of our society in the not too distant future... Now is the time to get serious about our internal paths... Sadly, yet again Google has removed this excellent video by a doctor who knows and cares enough to share the truth about this PlannedDemic / ScamDemic - is the web site (aopy & paste into your address bar in your Web Browser) of this Doc who is adhering to his oath as a Doctor - I have to admire and appreciate a guy like this!
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