My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Dr. Bruce Lipton - Parents Are Actually Genetic Engineers - After Birth We Are Our Own Genetic Engineers

This short poinient presentation drives home the point that ALL of our natural predispositions were essentially made by our parents but after we are born, WE become responsible to adjust those set predispositions or change them entirely - in essense, the foundation of natural evolution is in our hands as well advanced evolution which comes into effect when we start making BIG choices and acting in every way possible as if these are our actual state as well actions, thoughts, feelings to bring that into greater expression every day - we truly are Grand Beings, living in a visceral looking and feeling Holodeck, acting each day as one who has lost all conciouness of our former state - but is now making choices based on the certainty of that former state - moving in every moment hence, to make of ourselves a New Grand Being, one that is utterly able yet with Grand Mind, Grand Wisdom and never again in abject, unconscious innocence!
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