My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Texas Farmer - We Are Being Forced To Dump Your Food Supply While Import of Questionable Beef is Underway

I am a big fan of local farmers that grow organic, healthy produce and livestock - my apologies to any vegetarian who might read this - but I am more of big cat and I just can't survive even a stellar vegan diet - for whatever reason, blood type, genetic predispostion, I simply thrive a diet rich in low temp, slow cooked for 60 hrs. beef, lamb and pork, as well, I fade quickly on a vegan diet, loosing strength, endurance, mental clarity, dropped immune response, fading vision, drop in coordination, all in just 7 weeks on a well considered vegan diet - I've no idea how many out there are like me but I'm guessing it is a decent percentage of the population... What this farmer is saying also lines up with what a retired FEMA representative said about plans for an austerity living & diet for the US after crashing the economy beyond hope...
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