My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Observation Deck - Very Creepy Children's Book by the World Health Organization - They Are Planning More...

As many have suspected - the elite and there Corps and Fake Caring Health Organizations are planning on extending this PlanDemic/ScamDemic well into the future, playing on the "Fear of Death" of so many (what are you afraid of?) - This very creepy piece of cheap-shot programming of children is full of reasonable sounding tripe until you really think about what is being said and how it will be internalized and acted upon... I have been looking for signs of intent to continue to run this False Flag ScamDemic and this along with much else coming forward soon does indicate that these dark elite intend to use this concocted situation to completely turn over our society, turning it into Clean Looking but deeply ugly dystopian future where everyone wanting to stabilize WILL Be Forced to be vaccinated, be forced into an entirely virtual/digital money system, will be forced to accept and internal chipping system that will make it so each will be able to easily purchase by simply coming near checkout systems for basic and desired needs and wants - all others NOT wanting to participate in that system will be outcasts, unable to work for the Digital Dollar and will be forced into a subsistence living standard where barter will likely be all that can be done... it really is like a B Class science fiction series, it so lame or like the hunger games, the initial scenario beginning to play out NOW all across the US where people are lining up for miles to get subsistence food... The time for diving into your spirituality is most certainly now - I would say "it is time to evolve friends!" Evolve or just hope to Live thru what is coming or just check out - not many other options remaining to us it seems - I also know that NO one wants to even look at this let alone believe that - to each as each can... Gawd help us all!
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