My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Dr Rashid A Buttar - Best Response to C19 or Any Other Issue We Face - 11am Sounds Good to Me!

This is a worthwhile, effective idea, not a new one but one that has potential - I can make time to Lovingly Express a Loving Visualization as to what this Plane of Exitence could be without Judgement of what is or with any attempt to change the behaviour of any other human - I posted the comment below on Doc Rashid's channel in the hopes of encouraging all to express only with Love the wonder of this place and the potential it could be! Stunningly good plan - how can we do this without impinging on ANY other Free Will - as Light Workers we simply must Not do what the Dark does which is to Violate Free Will most especially that of Young ones and of all on this Plane of Existence - How can we do this with Acceptance, Allowance, Embrace and Release (Love without condition) in our hearts as we authentically and collectively FEEL the Wonder of What this plane of Existence is and could yet be - without judgement of what is - especially because almost NOTHING of what our sciences and religions have taught is true! I agree with Nia, FEEL the wonder of what could be - I also agree with Bruce that Quantum Physics is most reliable and was likely the very 1st to give us all a hint of what this Plane of Existence truly is when it was discovered that a single photon of Light behaved differently when it was observed that when not - later, even more so when conscious, focused attention was applied - we do NOT live on a marble or a pancake - we live in a Plane of Existence, a Holodeck of sorts that is entirely made up of Light, frequency and Information (Mind) - though we ARE all Grand Beings, we exist here at a very low frequency having forgotten our former state and so live often a visceral, painful existence, full of seeming endless perils and fear, ironically based on the simple founding stressor, that of having to Survive (consume Life to Sustain Life) - We can easily change the information and frequency by simply thinking, talking and acting always in a positive manner, more specifically a Loving manner - we do this by simply choosing Love in every situation rather than the Good or Bad option - Love, quite simply is the choice to Accept ALL, to Allow ALL, to Embrace ALL and to Release ALL - most especially ourselves - We have been programmed, for all intense and purpose to Hate ourselves and sacrifice for others - that of course is an impossible conundrum... Can we each visualize a stunning Plane of Existence where Love of this kind abounds everywhere without pointing it at ANYONE other than ourselves (the one doing the visualization)? Without ANY judgment of persons or organizations who we previously judged as being Horror movie level vilians? What if the truest Forgiveness is NOT forgiving 70x7 times but rather simply realizing that ALL have played their parts perfectly on our stage at our behest - played their part so well, in fact, that we forgot they were all just playing a part on a Virtual Plane of Existence (Holodeck) where No one actually gets truly hurt - though damn, it sure feels like it sometimes... What I'd like to suggest here is a Global Meditation free of Resistance and Fear, presented in the pure-hearted fashion I just outlined with lots and lots Big Love Feelings expressed forth in voice, in body language and very much together! I confess to having thought thoughts and said words of terrible judgement of certain individuals and organizations who appear Hellbent on wiping us all from this Holodeck in the most Horrific manner that could be concocted - and, I am in NO way condoning such Hateful plans and acts - I am simply saying the each and every one of you IS the long foretold Christ, who has returned to save but ONE person - You! - So Love Big, Accept, Allow, Embrace and Release ALL - even facing Death knowing that you are just Leaving the Holodeck to return later or Not - so be the mass Firehose of Raw, unconfigured Blessing on everyone, on everything, on ALL that IS as a daily expression - howl your Great feelings of Love for this place to the Heavens! Much Love & Admiration to you ALL for choosing to be here at this time - and much thanks to Doc Rashid, Nia and Doc Bruce for all you, my family do!
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