My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

David Icke - Bill Gates and the Gate's Foundation Are Behind this PlanDemic - ScamDemic

That Boy/Geek face is without doubt the face one of the most wretched, wicked and truly EMPTY, arrogant psycho's in modernity - this lifeform has invest Billions in some of the most toxic tech and research of toxic tech ever conceived - the resultant vaccinations, as example, are a tour-de-force of lethality in the form of slow, agonizing death that NONE will recover from - he really does intend to personally spearhead Agenda 21 / 2030 till 90+% of the world's population is dead or in the midst of horrific death-throws - what kind of human would sponsor and promote such things? - its an honest question...
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