My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Robert Sepehr - Dairy Farms Forced to Dump Milk - Part of Another Agenda?

According to a former FEMA Agent (in a recent interview) stated that FEMA intends to supply, long term, very low protien, low to No, quality Fat - the Agenda appears to be Starvation of the people from all quality, high Life Force foods leaving us with nothing but the vacant corps produced foods that is utterly devoid of Life Energy and yet full of toxic GMO and chemicals - the biggest problems of modernity is not Man in general but rather Corrupt Corps who's leadership care nothing for ANYTHING, saves profits... Recommend checking out Alexandre Family Dairy products at the local Coop and Shop-n-Cart - I am making arrangements to get more stock from them, local! Few know that Alexandre Family Dairy is unique in the entire world of dairy in that they have lush, green, organic pastures year around because of the weather on the Coast of Northern most CA and Southern most Oregon. They are also unique in two major other ways, one is they take the local fishing industry's organic waste and their own cattle waste and dump these into a pool, adding water and enzymes, percolating for a time, then mulching, mixing with water and spraying it out onto their fields for extraordinary lushness and growth, resulting in healthier cattle, much lower calf birth mortality and Milk that is MUCH higher in Life Force Energy. The final element that makes them so unique is they do a form of Pasteurization called "Vat Pasteurized" which does NOT damage the fragile fat in milk - this results in something tad amount to Raw Milk with most of the Life Force energy, good fat yet also fully Pasteurized - their products are amazing and highly recommended - even some of my milk sensitive friends have found that they can have Alexandre Family Dairy milk without issue. Remember, we have always been told that nutrition is what is vital - Truth is, Life Force is the MOST vital, followed by nourishment - it takes BOTH to keep us healthy! Got to for more info!
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