My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

ODD TV - Quantum Materials Corp & COVID-19 Immunity Passports - This IS Coming! No Kidding!

The Insanity of our Corps run governments is truly astounding - this is real and apparently only a month away or so... did you ever see the movie ""UltraViolet"? it was about a stunningly sick and twisted society based on Hyper-Anti Viral Police State - while just a story that is way out there, the situation we are now entering is so much worse, so much MORE insane than any movie or story I have ever heard of... Pursuit of extreme spirituality is Now the order of the day where we throw out everything that does not work and super enhance everything that does! "The promotion of a “cure” (vaccines, masks, social distancing, self imprisonment, personal finance destruction) with which to kill or physically disable millions among the gullible public willing to go along with this eugenicidal scheme" are you a part of the "gullible public" or are you a part of the solution to Corps Madness gone Wild? The not so obvious patent: Is this really about block-chain mining? This WILL Blow your Mind! I practically wet myself while watching this - this IS Real and likely a part of ID 2020 where in Oct 2020, you WILL Be Required to get a "RealID" in order to travel via all public transportation, starting with flying in or out of the US...
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