My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Max Igan - The New Normal - NOT!

Bill Gates really is the New Normal Face of the completely deranged New World Order - for those of us Not will to accept "the New Normal" we will have to create our own New Normal that is based on Local Community, Working with Local Farmers, Working with Love & Compassion in our hearts every day, paying little attention to the fake Global Drama playing out everywhere else - our new Normal has to spring from within, a new determination to be very positive, to be present in the current moment, making use of each moment to aid those that ask and that are worthy of our shared moments - being in the present moment is as easy as taking very conscious, deep diaphram breaths, maintaining a heart and mind of gratitude, Love, Compassion - these will keep us out of Fight or Flight mentality and bio-state, allowing us to think clearly, to heal easier, to aid others - as well to pursue an ever deepening spirituality and consciousness that dove tails nicely into conscious evolution... Though Bill Gates may look to us like some kind of horror movie, twisted, psycho villian with boyish face - truth is, he is a great icon for total loss of faith in Humanity and a complete lack of understanding of this Plain of Existence - He is a very Lost Soul, like so many others, only he is using his vast financial resources to do what he thinks is Best for Earth, irregardless of the beings on it - He is a difficult reflection to look at because what is within him is within, to some degree, all of us - let us begin to change that now within ourselves, allowing our own change to catalyze others...
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