My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

London Real - WHY WE VOTED FOR DONALD TRUMP - Doc Bruce Lipton

Just so you know, I am No fan of the Trumpster, its also true and have nothing but distain for Bush/s Organized Crime faction or the Clinton/s Organized Crime faction, the Hopiette of the Masses (Obama) that NEVER did anything but be complicit in MORE militarty actions worldwide - it seemed like every word out of this elegant, intelligent man was Never going to or did happen - Now we have what likely is the greatest clown ever to sit in office but it does seem like he's disassembling the old to rebuild the New - the question is what New - what faction is he really a part of? Because if he is a part of and controlled by the severe Zionist faction (Not Jewish - most Jews are very dismayed at the actions and policies of the Zionist state) now in control of Israel and much of the US, we may be in serious trouble - I do think Doc Lipton has a good point, it is the Corrupt politicians who've made a permanent home of Capital Hill, lining their pockets with countless millions in Corps cash so they do the bidding of these Profit-at-ANY-Cost Corps - The Swamp things are the ones needing removed from Capital Hill - problem is, there are so few Poitician on the HILL that are clean that I'd wager 93% WOULD NEED TO BE REMOVED from office - permanantly. Frankly, many of these should see serious Jail time for the monies they've collected and the deeds they've done...
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