My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Dr Rashid Buttar - The Question is - What is the Agenda by Censoring ALL Truth?

We live in a time where prevarication IS the standard and even sweet, loving, intelligent people who hold truth highest regard - REFUSE to even bother to look at or know the truth in our time, their programming so complete - proverbial Ostrich Heads in the Sand - hoping that the Resident, mass evil will somehow miss them... They will likely be the first casualties... Dare to hear the truth, dare to know the truth, dare to act on the truth you now know... Mass, passive non-participation is what we can and Must do - we Must slow down the insane Freight Train the Elite have put into motion via government and corps... That we might have to prepare, perhaps even turning this unnatural tide...
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