My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Corbett Report - Where Did the Two ER Doctors Video Go? Google-Youtube Continue Their InfoDemic

It is No surprise to learn that Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and all the Big Social Media Platforms are systematically Removing EVERYTHING that is NOT the running narrative, made up by the the Elite and the Mass Media, as well all the Elite founded operations such as the WHO (World Health Organization - Health, my Arse!), the CDC (Centers for Disease Control - where they make'm so you get'm) and so on... It is getting VERY nasty in online Informationville, soon, you will NOT be able to get any truth about anything at all - it'll be 24/7/365 Nothing but Prevaricated News, Science & Religion! Welcome to the New Paradise - NOT! That was such a pleasant expert class video just telling it like it really, well mostly is "Millions of cases / very low mortality rate" - The NWO is certainly showing their hand here by removing even that because it says VERY clearly just how much they want people to Believe that C19 is WAY more severe than it actually is... obviously, there are Agendas behind this that are top priority to the Dark Elite such as Disarming America, Forced Vaccinations on Everyone, Forced movement to Digital Currency that is VERY controlled, Removal of ALL dissenting Voices wherever they may be found, End of everything Natural, replaced entirely by DEAD Corps (pun intended) Food, Medicine, Education, Science and Religion - and won't that all be just Ducky!?
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