My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Something Feels Wrong - Dr Rashid Buttar - The Shocking Revelation - This is So Much Bigger

With the discovery of deception in so many areas of our culture, science, history, religion and medicine, it is No suprise to discover just how much we have ALWAYS been decieved by every and all governments and supposed human services and protection organizations such as the EPA, FDA WHO CDC... All of these are Corps funded and so spew the Corps narrative and spin on everything... What do we do when we absolutely Can NOT and Must NOT believe anything these operations present? Well, for one thing, we start doing what research we can in the Alternative Media only since all of the Mass Media is owned & FUNDED by these Corps, taking care to realize that many Alternative Media sources may also now be funded by the same or may just be presenting their own presuppositions... I am always surprised and somewhat ashamed of my fellow humans who Not even open to look at anything other than the running Corps narrative and so, like Lemmings to the slaughter, run off the cliff of untruth, taking everyone else with them if they happen to be the mass majority... "for lack or certain knowledge, my people parrish" -God of the Old Testement as spoken to Moses
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